Hobakjeon 호박전 (Pan-fried Battered Zucchini) is a delicious and easy to make Korean side dish!

2021. 4. 21. 20:16K-food & nutrition

Hi there! Thanks for visiting

Just Korean Food!

I'm just a girl on a journey

to document 365 Korean foods.


Today's food is called



or Pan-fried Battered

Zucchini in English.


Image source below*

There are many kinds of

Jeon (Pan-fried battered

food in Korean) in Korea.

Probably Kimchijeon (Kimchi

Pancake) and Haemulpajeon

(Seafood and Green Onion Pancake)

are the most well-known and

popular Jeons among foreigners.


Image of Hobakjeon from koreana.or.kr

Jeons are eaten on traditional

holidays as well as a part of

everyday meal. Depending on

the varieties, some are enjoyed

more than others due to

availability of ingredients

as well as efforts requied

to make them.


For example, Kimchi Pancake is

readily enjoyed at home because

all the ingredients are available for

families almost at all times (ones 

made with sour kimchi tastes

better in Jeon) and especially on

rainy days, Kimchijeons are missed.


Image of Kimchijeon

Haemulpaejon is a regular side dish

for Korean traditional alcoholic

drinks like Soju or Makgeolli but

it can be eaten by itself and

enjoyed at home too.


Image of zucchini from koreana.or.kr

As summer months are abundant

with zucchini, Hobakjeon is enjoyed

regularly at home. It is easy to make

and tasty to eat.




The main ingredients are

zucchini, flour and eggs.


Hobak = Pumpkin (but in Hobakjeon,

normally summer squash zucchini is


Jeon = It can refer to any type of

meat, seafood, vegetables that

are lightly seasoned, coated with

flour and dipped in eggs,

then pan-fried.



Here is a quick overview of

Calories and the 3 major nutrients of


per 100g portion.


A usual single serving is 150g.


Nutrition Facts 영양성분표*

Total Calories 열량(kcal) 139

Total Carb 탄수화물(g) 10.7

Fiber 식이섬유(g) 4.6

Sugars 당류(g) 1.9

Protein 단백질(g) 4.3

Total Fat 지방(g) 8.7


Net Carb 순탄수화물(g) 6.1

(Net Carb = Total Carb - Fiber)

(순탄수화물 = 탄수화물 - 식이섬유)


As you can see, Hobakjeon is fairly low

in Calories as it is mainly made

with a vegetable.


Most of proteins come from the eggs

in batter and fats come from oils

that are used to pan-fried Jeons.


While it is mostly eaten as a side dish

(aka Banchan), it can be a great snack

or a small in-between meal when

eaten alone, as it has fairly balanced

nutrition of three major nutrients

(proteins, carbohydrates, fats).

If one is following a low-Calorie diet,

oils can be used less to minimize fats

(i.e. use an oil spray or cook with

less oils at a lower heat).


Just to delight your eyes (and mine

as I write this :),

this is called Hobaksun,

a traditionally made zucchini with

inner portion stuffed with condiments

and beautifully decorated.


Image from koreana.or.kr.

To see a different kind of Jeons

please click here,



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*Source: 외식 영양성분 자료집 통합본


all foods are listed as per 100g of weight.